Tuesday 23 May 2017

Types of Ayurvedic treatment

Ayurvedic treatments (at Ayushmaan Bhavah) are one of the oldest holistic healing systems. In India, it developed around 3000 years back.  These treatments are based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit. 
Ultimate purification and rejuvenation of body can be achieved through Ayurveda therapies. According to Ayurveda, the gathering of "Ama" or the toxic substances in the human body is because of years of poor diet, weak digestion and incomplete elimination of waste matter. Even inadequate sleep, pollution and stress lead to the imbalance of the Tri-Dosha which builds up toxins and finally, leads to ill-health.  

Different types of ayurvedic treatments
Dhara means flowing of ayurvedic oils, herbal decoctions, buttermilk, milk, etc. If this treatment is done with Ksheera (Milk) it is known as “Ksheeradhara”.
If the therapy is done for the forehead or above forehead it is then called ‘Shirodhara’, and for the whole body it is known as “Sarvangadhara”. All dhara therapies are done after applying warm oil all over the body.

It is basically Dhara therapy which is done with medicated lukewarm milk. In this, milk is poured over the body to induce perspiration, Usually, cow’s milk is used for the treatment, but sometimes buffalo milk is also used to treat the disease caused by the disorders of ‘pitha’.
The therapist pours milk using a pitcher which has a nozzle in continuation for around 45 to 60 minutes.
Benefits of this treatment
·         It helps in reducing body weakness
·         A very effective method of treating paralysis
·         Helps to restore muscle strength
·         Restores nerve strength
·         Helps in making the skin complexion fair
·         Makes the skin softer.


It is a form of Dhara therapy where medicated buttermilk is used for the treatment.  In an oscillating pattern, the buttermilk is poured on the forehead and scalp continuously for around an hour. Benefits of this treatment
·         It is effective in rejuvenating brain cells
·         Improves the memory of the person
·         Helps in achieving sound sleep
·         Reduces mental tension
·         Cures headaches

Udwarthanamtypes of Udwarthanam which help to heal the body. This treatment is carried out for 45 to 60 minutes.
·         Helps in reducing obesity
·         Diminishes the body odor
·         Better mobility to body joints
·         Increases lightness of the body

These are major Ayurvedic treatments which are carried out to offer you a healthy mind and body. These treatments are very much beneficial and can help people to start a healthy life.

All these treatments are very well performed in Kerala, however, if visit the state isn’t possible for you, you may visit www.ayushmanbhavah.com that offer all types of authentic ayurvedic treatment.

Undwarthanam means to raise or elevate. This name is derived from the treatment’s capacity to improve the body condition of the person who is taking the treatment. Medicated powder is applied over the body in this therapy. This massage is done in upward strokes which are actually opposite of the usual Ayurvedic massages.
 A warm bath is given after Udwarthanam that washes away the paste. After the treatment, a lovely scent of leaves remains in the body that lasts for a long time. There are many different types of Udwarthanam which help to heal the body. This treatment is carried out for 45 to 60 minutes.
·         Helps in reducing obesity
·         Diminishes the body odor
·         Better mobility to body joints
·         Increases lightness of the body

These are major Ayurvedic treatments which are carried out to offer you a healthy mind and body. These treatments are very much beneficial and can help people to start a healthy life.

All these treatments are very well performed in Kerala, however, if visit the state isn’t possible for you, you may visit www.ayushmanbhavah.com that offer all types of authentic ayurvedic treatment.

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